Hans Johnson is an IT Professional who lives in Bloomington, MN with his wife of almost 20 years, Becky, his two kids Kelsey (15) and Alex (11) along with dogs Henry and Birdie. Hans is a true believer in fate – the reason he pronounces his name like “dance”!
Hans is a die-hard Minnesota pro sports fan. He bleeds purple, loves his Twins, Wolves and Wild nearly as much. In the summer, you will find this avid golfer out on the golf course whenever possible.
In August of 2015, Hans was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. The cancer had already metastasized to his liver. At the time of diagnosis doctors gave him a prognosis of 6-12 months with chemotherapy and 3-6 without. Hans fought hard, prayed for tomorrow and kept a positive attitude trying to laugh along the way. As of February 2017, Hans is cancer free and says he will never be in re-mission but just has a new-mission to help as many cancer patients and care-givers as he can.
“My family means the world to me and not a day goes by I don’t thank the Lord for giving them to me and allowing me to be here to continue to watch them grow, learn and love. Also getting the chance to now help inspire cancer patients is something I won’t ever take for granted as long as long as I live”.
Hans wants to share his story and help inspire hope for others with the same diagnosis. “I am a survivor, against the most outrageous odds. If I did it, you can too.”
Hans tries to be as positive as he can by laughing at as much as he can and taking it one day at a time.
“I thank the Lord for my yesterdays, today and I always ask for tomorrow because it’s simply not given to any of us. I live for this day and try to make the most of it. I’m far from perfect but I’m alive and that is all I am thankful for because it gives me a chance to say “Thank you” and “I love you” to everyone that means so much to me which is basically everyone.”
In December of 2015, Hans lost one of his best friends Todd Hansen to Pancreatic Cancer. It is in his memory that Hans continues to wage hope and keep fighting.
“On Saturday, June 3rd I won’t be fighting…I’ll be dancing for cancer and helping to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, the charity which now means the world to me.
The PanCan Network vision is to double the pancreatic cancer survival rate by 2020.
Please help me Wage Hope for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network by donating today.”
For Donations and Reservations please call the Studio 612-920-1900612-920-1900.